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Quests | Trials & Titles | Characer Skills | Campaigns | Unions | Maps | Fishing

Fishing Shop

Fishing is very useful in Bless Unleashed. Fishing helps you obtain many items like different types of Fish, Glass Bottles, and Dented Chests. These parts can also be bought and sold on the trade market. Fish can be salvaged at a pyre for fish parts used in recipes. There are elixirs that can be crafted at an Alchemy Station and meals that can be crafted at a pyre.

To begin fishing, You will need to complete the Learning to Fish Side Quest. The Fishing tool merchant is near the bridge between the Southern Farmland and the Alicorno Forest and complete his subquest.

When you begin the Fishing Tool Merchants quest, They will give you a Rod, Reel and Wire to get you started with your fishing journey. You can buy fishing bait from the Fishing Tool Merchant. To begin fishing you will need to find a beach or pier that prompts a start fishing interaction above your character.

Rod List
Name Effect Resistance Where to Get Price
Common Fishing Rod No Effect 30 Starting Gear / Fishing Tool Merchant 10.000 Gold
Sturdy Fishing Rod Increases Sensitivity +1 30 Fishing Tool Merchant 50 Regional Contest Trophy
Green Piece Increases Sensitivity +2 30 Campaign: The Spear of Salvation
Golden Fishing Rod Increases Sensitivity +3 30 Fishing Tool Merchant 20 World-wide Contest Trophy
Silver Star Increases Sensitivity +4 30 Trial: Tomorrow's Fishermen
Crafted Fishing Rod

Increases Sensitivity +5


Craft: Forging lvl. 12

3 Lunarite Ingot

1 Superior Leather

20 Pearl

2 Honed Fortification Stone

Reel List
Name Effect Torque Where to Get Price
Wooden Sperios Reel Casting Distance 15m 80 Fishing Tool Merchant 10.000 Gold
Alloy Sperios Reel Casting Distance 17m 80 Fishing Tool Merchant 50 Regional Contest Trophy
Wooden Conquest Reel Casting Distance 20m 80 Premium Bless Pass Season 3
Golden Sperios Reel Casting Distance 22m 80 Fishing Tool Merchant 20 World-wide Contest Trophy
Red Sperios Reel

Casting Distance 24m


Craft: Shaping lvl. 12

3 Sturdy Lumber

1 Superior Cloth

20 Pearl

2 Honed Fortification Stone

Wire List
Name Effect Tension Where to Get Price
Animal Tendons No Effect 50 Fishing Tool Merchant 10.000 Gold
Common Line Tension +4 50 Fishing Tool Merchant 50 Regional Contest Trophy
Shiny Line Tension +8 50 Bless Pass Season 3
Steel Fishing Line Tension +12 50 Fishing Tool Merchant 20 World-wide Contest Trophy
Crafted Nylon Line

Tension +16


Craft: Enchanting lvl. 12

2 Souperior Cloth

2 Lunarite Ingot

20 Pearl

2 Honed Fortification Stone

Bait List
Name Where to Get Price
Small Worm Fishing Tool Merchant 200 Gold
Special Cut Piece Craft : Cooking 8 Stringy Meat
Cheap Compound Bait
Craft: Alchemy
3 Lumios Root

5 Leather Scrap

Small Fish Meal Lump
Meat Chop Piece
Fishing Tool Merchant
Name Price
Small Worm 200 Gold
Common Fishing Rod 10.000 Gold
Common Line 10.000 Gold
Wooden Sperios Reel 10.000 Gold
Rod Abradant 1 Regional Contest Trophy
Reel Grease 1 Regional Contest Trophy
Line Fortification Agent 1 Regional Contest Trophy
Superior Rod Abradant 3 Regional Contest Trophy
Superior Reel Grease 3 Regional Contest Trophy
Superior Line Fortification Agent 3 Regional Contest Trophy
Sturdy Fishing Rod 50 Regional Contest Trophy
Alloy Sperios Reel 50 Regional Contest Trophy
Common Line 50 Regional Contest Trophy
Golden Fishing Rod 20 World-wide Contest Trophy
Golden Sperios Reel 20 World-wide Contest Trophy
Steel Fishing Line 20 World-wide Contest Trophy
Concentrated Elixir of the Downstream Pecipe 20 Regional Contest Trophy
Fish Hot Pot Recipe 20 Regional Contest Trophy
Flowing Blades Feast Recipe 20 Regional Contest Trophy
Material Chest 10 Regional Contest Trophy
Fortification Material Chest 5 Regional Contest Trophy
Shoulder Armor of Concentrated Opportunity Shaping Recipe 10 World-wide Contest Trophy
Shoulderguards of Concentrated Opportunity Shaping Recipe 10 World-wide Contest Trophy
Shoulderguards of Concentrated Opportunity Tailoring Recipe 10 World-wide Contest Trophy
Best Rod Abradant 1 World-wide Contest Trophy
Best Reel Grease 1 World-wide Contest Trophy
Best Line Fortification Agent 1 World-wide Contest Trophy
Superior Material Chest 2 World-wide Contest Trophy
Superior Fortification Material Chest 2 World-wide Contest Trophy
Fishing Gear Enchantment
Grade Enchantment Sucase Rate Cost Rod Resistance Reel Torque Line Tention
Common +0 100% 1 Regional Contest Trophy 30 80 50
Common +1 100% 1 Regional Contest Trophy 32 81 51
Common +2 100% 1 Regional Contest Trophy 34 82 52
Common +3 100% 1 Regional Contest Trophy 36 83 53
Common +4 100% 1 Regional Contest Trophy 38 84 54
Common +5 100% 1 Regional Contest Trophy 40 85 55
Uncommon +0 80% 2 Regional Contest Trophy 42 86 56
Uncommon +1 80% 2 Regional Contest Trophy 44 87 57
Uncommon +2 80% 2 Regional Contest Trophy 46 88 58
Uncommon +3 80% 2 Regional Contest Trophy 48 89 59
Uncommon +4 80% 2 Regional Contest Trophy 50 90 60
Uncommon +5 80% 2 Regional Contest Trophy 52 91 61
Rare +0 60% 3 Regional Contest Trophy 54 92 62
Rare +1 60% 3 Regional Contest Trophy 56 93 63
Rare +2 60% 3 Regional Contest Trophy 58 94 64
Rare +3 60% 3 Regional Contest Trophy 60 95 65
Rare +4 60% 3 Regional Contest Trophy 62 96 66
Rare +5 60% 3 Regional Contest Trophy 64 97 67
Epic +0 60% 3 Regional Contest Trophy 66 98 68
Epic +1 40% 6 Regional Contest Trophy 68 99 69
Epic +2 40% 6 Regional Contest Trophy 70 100 70
Epic +3 40% 6 Regional Contest Trophy 72 101 71
Epic +4 40% 6 Regional Contest Trophy 74 102 72
Epic +5 40% 6 Regional Contest Trophy 76 103 73
Legendary +0 40% 6 Regional Contest Trophy 78 104 74
Legendary +1 20% 1 World-wide Contest Trophy 80 105 75
Legendary +2 20% 1 World-wide Contest Trophy 82 106 76
Legendary +3 20% 1 World-wide Contest Trophy 84 107 77
Grade Name Found in Salvage Fish Prices
Common Tidepool Gunnel Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly ~5-6 = 250
Common Half Chromis Coasts Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly ~7 = 275
Common Ambon Pufferfish Northen Lakes Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly ~8-9 = 300
Common Ballan Wrasse Upsteam Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly ~10 = 325
Common Ocean Perch Downstream Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly ~11-12 = 375
~13 = 425
Uncommon Clown Anemonefish Rivers Scale / Fin / Belly /
Uncommon Striped Beryx Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe ~20-21 = 500
Uncommon Panther Puffer Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe ~22-23 = 550
Uncommon Spiny Chromis Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe ~24 = 600
Uncommon Trumpetsnout Coasts Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe ~25 = 650
Uncommon Polkadot Loach Coasts Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe ~26 = 750
Uncommon Forktail Large-Eye Bream Coasts Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe
Uncommon Black-Banded Hogfish Northen Lakes Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe ~28 = 850
Uncommon Blue Tang Northen Lakes Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe
Uncommon Whitetipped Mackerel Scad Northen Lakes Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe
Uncommon Barracuda Upsteam Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe
Uncommon Cherry Anthias Upsteam Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe
Uncommon Yellowsail Red Bass Upsteam Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe
Uncommon Tropical Silverside Downstream Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe ~50 = 3.000
Uncommon Yellow Chromis Downstream Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe ~53 = 3250
Uncommon Cigare Wrasse Downstream Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe
~59 = 3.750
Rare Threespot Angelfish Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
Rare Bitterling Coasts Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
Rare Golden Danselfish Northen Lakes Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
Rare Golden Butterflyfish Upsteam Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
Rare Splendid Alfonsino Downstream Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
Rare Koi Northen Lakes Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
Rare Blackmouth Angler Lower Region Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
Rare Leopard Mandarin Fish Uper Region Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
Rare Red Seabream Rivers Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
~82 =
~ 83.5 = 5.000
Common Glass Botle Everywhere healing potions \ 300 Gold
Dental Chest


Legent, Epic Uprgade stone / Armor, Weapon Fortification Stone /

150 Artifact Shards / 800 Gold

~96 = 6.000
Legendary Luxurious Chest Everywhere Epic Ember / 150 Artifact Cores / 3.000 Gold